Friday, September 29, 2006

beautiful family

I did this photo session last weekend. This brookline family has two adorable kids, one adopted girl and a new baby. After the couple adopted the little girl from China, their own baby boy has arrived. Besides the happiness this little girl brought to the family, she definitely brought luck too! I'm really really happy for her, her life would be totally different in China. Now she has mom, dad, baby brother, a family to hug, to love, and cherish.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Crazy days...

I haven't touched my camera for more than a week. My daughter is sick, fever, running nose and extra extra clingy. I don't have any time of my own.

Besides, we made an offer on a house over the weekend and we're moving in November. From now on, I will be busy with my personal life. I will do photo sessions on a limited time basis.

Oh, almost forgot. I will have a 28'x16' home office in the new house. I can use part of the room as my home studio. I have gorgeous sun light throughout the house. My office/studio is bright with tons of windows. Can't wait to move there and start my business in the new neighborhood.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More newborns coming...

I got a call today from a local doula, Heidi Guiliano. She likes my work and is going to refer me to her newborn clients. Her website is here, if you're interested in her service.

My daughter was brought to the world with assistance from my wonderful doula. I delivered her naturally without any medicine intervention. Yes, no epidural. I don't know how could I ever survive the enormous labor pain without the encouragement from my doula.

Sweet sweet little peas just out of their pods. I'm so excited to portrait them in a creative and elegant way. They always remind me the word - "Life". Simple. pure. beautiful lives.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Newborns, aren't they beautiful?

I had a 4 week old girl came to my house today for a photo session, her very first one. She's incredibly beautiful with gorgeous sparkling eyes. The little girl didn't want to sleep at all. I ended up with tons of eye contact pictures but none sleeping ones!!! That's why they say the first two weeks are the best to shoot newborns.

But I really really love the eye contact pictures I got, aren't her eyes amazing? I found her mom and myself reflected so clearly in her eyes. (Of course I always find myself in my subjects' eyes. :) )

Eyes are windows to the soul. In that part, I feel I was connected with her. Her little personality is showing in her eye expressions, even at 4 weeks old.

Monday I'll have a newborn boy at 3 weeks old. I'm waiting for a client to deliver her baby girl end of this month. Check my newborn gallery for more pictures.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Three girls - sisterhood is so sweet

This family has three girls that loves each other so much. The biggest one is 9 years old. She carries the 9 month old baby in her arms like a little "mother". The two bigger sisters like to dress in same kind of clothes, share toys, books, secrets and a doll like baby sister.

I'm the only child in my family. When I was young, I really craved for a sister or brother to share everything with. Sisterhood is the sweetest relationship one can embrace for a long time.