Friday, September 28, 2007

my little one is turning into 3

next week. Bye bye the not so terrible "terrible two". She's been wonderful the last year. Very easy to be with. Except when I ask her to pose for me, of course.

Well, one year closer to the age they really really like modeling for big cameras.

Funny one day she came back from school and told me her teacher didn't take her pictures and she was sad. I said, wait a minute, you don't like mommy taking your pictures. The surprising reply was, mommy, your camera is black, teacher's camera is silver, I like silver color. Oops, is that the real reason she doesn't like me photographing her?? Then Nikon should provide a silver case, or maybe a pink one.

For her birthday, she's getting a real digital camera(vtech). That'll be a blast.

She's asking for a "turn" to type her words, so here it is - [tt5ty[y[67p-py[ypuy76ptt

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