Friday, January 26, 2007

new pictures

of Natalie. She's finally cooperative. And I got tons tons of her pictures this month. Mostly laughing. How? Before I click for any photo, let her hold my camera and take few shots. She aims at ceiling, wall, rug...and every time she clicks twice(consumes my battery like hell). She also knows I use back button(AF/L) to focus. So before she clicks the shutter button, she presses the back button! My heart stops beating every time she touches my expensive equipment, talking about thousands of dollars in a 2 year old's hands. In exchange, I got the pictures I want.

It's not difficult to get laughing pictures. A tip here for parents, let them run like crazy. Catch them in the middle and click click click. Those laughters are the best.

On the other hand, it's always difficult to capture "soul" pictures. Serious, tranquil look. Those are what I look for. And those are the classics last lifetime long.

1 comment:

SoTellMe.. said...

Belles Photos!